Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Courtney Love, Russel Crowe

A fan spotted Courtney Love, pictured, leaving a discount department store in Los Angeles and asked the troubled rocker how she lost all her weight. According to The National Enquirer, Love flew into a rage. "Well, it's not the f------g Pilates, and it's not the f-----g liposuction -- it's called goddamned starvation because I can't afford to buy any f-----g groceries!"

Perhaps Russell Crowe should cut back on groceries, as the same tabloid reports the actor was playing in a kiddie park with his 2 1/2-year-old son when his butt got stuck in a plastic pipe maze. Crowe struggled to free himself for some time before calling for help. Attempts to free the actor by park managers and a police squad proved fruitless so Crowe had to wait while they disassembled the entire pipe maze.

Samantha Grice, National Post

Published: Monday, June 05, 2006

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