No way out but out
I've only had two hours of sleep. But I'm relatively wide awake thanks to some unnatural chemical method.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.
Grandparent's Day is tommorow, but I'm not visiting them.
I only have one set left alive, on my dad's side, they've been dead for 9 years or more.
I wonder if I get old I'll have someone to take care of me like my mother tends to my grandma.
I'll probably be left alone to rot and die in a dark stuffy room.
What could I possibly die of?
The probable causes of death (my prediction) are stated according to degree of likelihood, from most plausible to least, but still possible:
a) Lung Cancer/ Emphysema
b) Diabetes - Both grandma and grandpa died from complications arising out of this.
c) Cancer, be it lymphoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, - my mom's deceased uncles and aunts, cousins and second degree kin all died from cancer
d) Aneurysm - blood vessels in my brain might suddenly burst, hence, instant death
e) Car Accident - who knows? No one can tell what the future holds if its time, its time.
f) Cirrhosis
g) Drug Overdose
h) Complications arising from drug overdose
Am I afraid of death? Yes, of course. I think everyone to some extent, no matter how tough an exterior they put up, still would be terrified of dying. But my theory is that it has more to do with uncertainty of what happens afterwards. Or, if you're Catholic, its the fear of hell, and the uncertainty of ever leaving purgatory-for less sinful individuals.
Ultimately, we will all die.
That being said, have a good Saturday morning y'all.
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